Good Morning, Children of the Lord
Go out with joy today, that's what God tells us to do. Do I have something to grumble about today? we all do. You know how certain things go out of style, I'm not talking about that kind of going out, You know how we throw out the dishwater, I'm not talking about that kind of going out, not going out on a date either. God doesn't want us to go out with grumbles and complaints. God doesn't want us to go out with anger or revenge.
God wants us to spend time with him for the strength to do this. We in ourselves, do not have the ability to shine forth the joy of the Lord.
I'm an emotional creature and I at times do struggle with the right attitude. However, I remember that God tells me to go out with joy. The remembrance of God's Word helps me to choose joy and to ask God to shine from and in my life.
Maybe going out with joy will lead you to do something God wants you to do today. Being a blessing somewhere somehow.
Isaiah 55:12 -
For ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace: the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.