Turkey Vulture /Andean Condor At The Akron Zoo
Akron Zoo
April 2018
“And when the fowls came down upon the carcasses, Abram drove them away.”
Genesis 15:11.
Quotes: From Spurgeon
“What sort of vultures will there be?” asks one. Well, there will come doubts as to eternal things.
There will be questions about your own wisdom in giving yourself up to God. I hope you have been
strangers to such birds of prey, but some of us have not been; doubts as to whether there is a God to
serve; doubts as to whether there is a heaven, an eternal future, a blessed reward; doubts as to whether it
is well to give up this world for the next, or not. Drive them away, brethren! Drive them away! When
the birds come down upon the sacrifice, drive them away, as he did, who had all the riches of Egypt offered
to him, yet “endured, as seeing Him who is invisible.” This is what you and I must do; feel that it
is but commonsense, sanctified commonsense, to be looking out for that which will endure forever, and
to let these temporary things go, if it is needful that they go, that we may win the crown that fades not
Possibly there will come to some of you younger folks fond dreams of ambition. Now you are content