Would God Save Me?
Matthew 27:17 Therefore when they were gathered together, Pilate said unto them, Whom will ye that I release unto you? Barabbas, or Jesus which is called Christ? Jesus Took Barabbas's Place. He willingly went to the cross: He could have destroyed the whole world with one word. But He chose to be afflicted, persecuted, crucified and rejected by God. He took upon himself our every sin. He paid the price to save me, you and all the world. Then in three days He arose- See the bible says. - Without Christ - We are dead while we liveth. But the minute you believe and accept Jesus Christ as your Saviour. You arise from the dead in your soul. You become alive to God for the first time. It is called being born again. The verse just after John 3:16.. teaches us what happens when you truly believe. When you believe, you will believe unto righteousness. When you believe you will be willing to make changes in your life that m...